Short Clips : Makutano Junction
Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Hand Milking

Information on hand milking from the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Development and Marketing

Makutano Junction Season 6 - Makutano Junction Clips: Seed Soaking

Maspeedy teaches the townspeople about seed-soaking. S06Ep07

Makutano Junction : Series 3 - Makutano Junction Clips: Making Silage

PP approaches Matano to find out how to make silage. S03Ep02.

Makutano Junction Season 9 - Makutano Junction Clips: Systems of Government

Presidential Vs Parliamentary systems of Government.

Makutano Junction Season 7 - Makutano Junction Clips: Malaria Treatment.

ACP drugs help malaria-don't accept anything else AND  If malaria is left it will develop into cerebral malaria which is very serious. S07Ep08

Makutano Junction Season 5 - Makutano Junction Clips: Trial Proceedings for Man Slaughter

Mr. Mulani is accused of man slaughter for the death of his wife. S05Ep4

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Sanitary Issues.

The girls at the school have sanitary issues.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Phased Out Drugs.

Taking drugs that have been phased out by the government.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: HIV in Society

Matano faces opposition to his potential HIV status.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Correct Medicine Use

The importance of taking medicine correctly.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: TB & Contagiousness

 TB starts to spread through Anna's family to Josiah.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Child Health

The school children's health is compromised by the lack of clean water.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Living with AIDs

Margaret is worried she has contracted a disease, which could be life-threatening to her.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Visiting Hospital When Pregnant

It is important to discuss why visiting hospital is important.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Vasectomy

The decision to have a vasectomy is an important discussion.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: HIV Prejudice

Margret is facing prejudice against her new HIV status.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: HIV & Relationships

MJ looks at having a healthy relationship while suffering from HIV.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Paying for Medicine

Maspeedy is worried about paying for his malaria medicine.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Milk Production

Maspeedy and PP try to make more profit on the milk.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Malaria In Babies

The importance of keeping babies safe from mosquitos.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Eating Protein

The women of MJ learn about where to get protein from.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Attempted Suicide

Peggy attempts suicide after Snake taunts her about her new HIV status.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Juction Clips: Malaria Symptoms

Mama Mboga describes the symptoms of her baby to the doctor.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Contraception

PP tries to find contraception as he is keen to practice safe sex, however he is tempted with out of date condoms which are a hazard.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: The First Period

Rose in confronted by the conversation of periods, and tries to help the girls to deal with this new experience.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Mosquito Nets 2

The residents of MJ discuss the importance of sleeping under a mosquito net.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: HIV Testing in Couples

Pendo demands that She and Dr Charles take a HIV test if they are to stay together. Dr Charles is scared and tries to test himself without talking to a counselor first.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Good Business Sense

Maspeedy & PP try to use good business sense.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Maternal Health

Margaret's story, breast feeding vs formula

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Symptoms & Cure for Malaria

If left malaria can become cerebral malaria-this is dangerous-symptoms and cure

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: HIV - Magic & Witch Doctors

 A witch doctor tries to heal Margret of her HIV.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Environment Protection and Corruption

We see how the Court helps protect the Environment, and especially from Corrupt Individuals

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Community Justice

The women of the town get together to help Mama Mboga get justice against Erasumus after he spends all the money needed for the baby on alcohol.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Land Acquisition

The women of MJ are worried about problems with the land they have bought.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Land Problems

Land inheritance issues plague the orphans.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Community Based Operation

 The importance of working together as a community.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Going to Court

The importance of seeing a case make trial.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Environmentalism

Red teaches the importance of environmentalism to the residents of MJ.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Justice

The rapist feels the full force of the law.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Prosecuting

The importance of prosecuting in court.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Women and the Law

The women of MJ face opposition by a male police force.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Land & Family

There are problems with land inheritance.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Embezzlement

Bill and Dodgy learn about accountability.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Debt - expert advice

If you take out a loan and plan for it carefully, you will be able to pay it back, and this makes you credit worthy and you can borrow again next time without a problem.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Budgeting - Steps to improve the use of your money.

What steps have you taken to stop the leaks and improve the use of your money?

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips:Ethnicity and Equality - Dating (English/Swahili)

Dating past your tribal group - Healing the nation starts with you.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Opening a Bank Account 2

Maspeedy wants to open a bank account in Makutano

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Saving - Anna thinks saving is for people with a lot of money

Anna's business is doing well, but she doesn't think she should save for a rainy day.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Investment - what are the options?

What are the things we need to think about when we want to choose an investment option?

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Budgeting with Mama Pima

Mama Pima learns to spend money within her means

Makutano Junction : Series 1 - Makutano Junction Clips: Maize Stalk Borer

Maize stalk borer can cause devastation to your maize crop. S01Ep08

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Ethnicity and Equality - Marriage (English/Swahili)

Makutano Junction Clips: Ethnicity and Equality - Marriage (English/Swahili)

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Debt - managing it 2

How people get into debt that they cannot handle and how to avoid it

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Micro-Finance

The market women get involved in micro-finance to fund their new piece of land.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Taxes

The market women dispute a tax rise.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Ethnicity and Equality - Family (English/Swahili)

Teaching your children that we are all equal - Healing the nation starts with you

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Voting Rights

PP is angry that people are trying to tell him who to vote for.

Makutano Junction - makutano Junction Clips: Why vote?

MJ discusses the importance of voting.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Standing for Elections

We learn what is needed to stand for election.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Protesting

The market women stand up to the new laws.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Role of an MP

We outline the role of an MP in the community.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Litter Collection (Council role)

The village women have no litter collection, much to their disgust.

Makutano Junction : Series 1 - Makutano Junction Clips: Importance of Keeping Milk Clean

Snake puts milk into a dirty container, against Maspeedy's advice and gets sick.

Makutano Junction Season 9 - Makutano Junction Clips: Truth, Justice and Reconciliation.

 A drama about proceedings of a Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission Meeting in Makutano Junction. S09Ep09

Makutano Junction : Series 1 - Makutano Junction Clips: Keeping Milk Clean

Maspeedy stresses the importance of keeping milk clean.

Makutano Junction Season 9 - Makutano Junction Clips: Josiah's Trial

 Josiah's trial finally takes place -- We outline what happens during a criminal trial. S09Ep13

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Pleasing a Woman

Shani learns some truths about the opposite sex!

Makutano Junction : Series 1 - Makutano Junction Clips: Keeping Milk Clean - dirty container

Maspeedy tells off PP for contaminating the milk by using a dirty container.

Makutano Junction : Series 1 - Makutano Junction Clips: Donkey Care

Maspeedy learns how to take better care of his donkey to make sure she can work longer and harder in comfort.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips - Child Orphan

Having been orphaned and unable to financially support herself and her siblings, Ciku solicits herself.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips - Child labour.

 Children should not be subjected to abuse by being forced into labour, and taking on adult responsibilities. They have a right to an education.

Makutano Junction : Series 1 - Makutano Junction Clips: Crop Rotation

The community learns the importance of rotating crops to stop disease and keep soil healthy.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Dirty Water

The school children are forced to drink dirty water

Makutano Junction : Series 1 - Makutano Junction Clips: Donkey Care 2

Maspeedy learns how to care for his donkey while she helps him with his milk deliveries.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Child Labour.

Child labour and the importance of protecting them.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Orphans

MJ looks at what to do with the orphans taken from Washington.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Domestic Abuse.

Rose encounters domestic abuse at the hand of her husband.

Makutano Junction - Makutano Junction Clips: Forced Marriages.

Margaret gets involved with a tribal dispute over marriage.