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Shamba Shape Up : Series 2

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 9: Cow & Calf Care, Maize MNLD , Animal Feeds, Solar Power

We revisit John and Miriam's farm in Rongai. We learn how to help cows produce more milk & feeding. We also learn about water harvesting, crop disease, solar lights, fertiliser & Napier grass

More Episodes

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 1: Markets, Chillis, Cow Care

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 2: Soil testing, Kales and Jiko

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 3: Intercropping, Maize, Beans, Goat &Cow Care, Solar Power

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 4: Rice, Potato, Water harvest, Jiko and Chickens

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 5: Pest and disease, Maize, Push-Pull and Chickens

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 6: Cow Care, Soil test, Pest & Disease & Financial Literacy

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 7: Cow Care, Kales, Push-Pull, Soil test and Solar power

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 8: Climate Change, Trees, Water Harvesting, Solar Power

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 9: Cow & Calf Care, Maize MNLD , Animal Feeds, Solar Power

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 10: CowCare, Maize, Pest and disease, Chicken, Solar power & Jiko

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 11: Push & Pull, Maize, Goats,Silage and Hay, Solar power and Water harvest

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 12: Trees, Push & Pull, Hay, Making Compost, Chillies & Sorghum

Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 13: Farm Revisits