# Chicken House
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Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips

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More on # Chicken House
Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 2: Coffee, Chickens, Bee Keeping, Jiko, Soil erosion

Lucy and James' Farm in Kabatini Nakuru. Coffee planting, bee keeping, chickens, jikos and soil erosion.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 12: Potatoes, Water Pan, Chicken Vaccination and Jikos

On Lucy and Charles farm in Timau we look at potato farming (planting, storing & markets), Chickens (vaccines & antibiotics), Rainwater Harvesting and Energy Saving Jikos.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 2: Maize, Groundnuts, indigenous vegetable & Chicken feeds

In this episode we visit Rebecca's farm on Bungoma county. We look at how to keep healthy chickens, planting groundnuts & beans, fertilisers, legumes & traditional African veg, OFSP and maize crops.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 4: OFSP, Kienyeji Chickens, Vegetables and Capsicum Nursery

We visit Beatrice and Nicodemus in Nyeri to learn more about OFSP, keeping Kienjeyi & KARI chickens (housing & vaccines), planting veg (sukuma, spinach & capsicums) and the STRIDE programme.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 20: Chicken House, Maize, Maize Storage, Post Harvest Losses

We are in Arusha, Tanzania at Lazaro's Farm. We help him improve the housing for his chicken, to improve his maize plantation and how to properly store his grain to avoid post harvest losses.

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 11(UG):Chicken management, Coffee management & Brazil spacing

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Kasaana village in Masaka and we’re visiting a very hard-working farmer, Mike Ssemaganda and his family, on his 20-acre farm. 

Mike has 13 children and only stopped having more when his 3-year-old twins were born. He doesn’t believe in small scale, neither with family nor with farm!

Apart from his 20 acres, our farmer has bought 80 acres of land 54kms away from his homestead, because where he lives, he can’t find such big stretches of land anymore.

We told you this farmer doesn’t believe in small scale! 

But we’re going to concentrate on this farm here, where he has two coffee plantations and 1700 chickens… 500 layers and 1200 chicks! And I’m sure he has challenges, so we’re going to look into that.

Let’s go and learn:

     1. Chicken:

           i. Housing, hygiene, spraying 

           ii. Feeding, vaccination, prevention of diseases

     2. Coffee:

           i. Old plantation management

           ii. Brazilian spacing advantages and disadvantages

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 16(UG): Pasture & storage, Dairy AI, Poultry Housing & Management

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

This week we’re in Kasutaime village in Mayuge and we want to see what our 35-year-old farmer, Gerald Machario, is doing on his 12 acres.

Like most farms here, Gerald’s land is fragmented. He still grows sugarcane, bananas, maize and beans but it’s mainly for home consumption. 

But he now has a new project on six acres and it’s not crop: he wants to focus on kuroiler chicken, cows and pastures, is it because it’s more profitable than any other crop… I mean no coffee Gerald?

Let’s go and learn more:

           1) Chicken: 

               • Management of existing kuroilers

               • Housing spacing, feeders, drinkers + perches

           2) Pasture varieties and properties + storage

           3) Cows improving breeds and using Artificial Insemination

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up Clips - Improving The Chicken House

We have a look at the proper hygiene practices when keeping chicken,

Shamba Shape Up Season 13 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 13 - Ep 3: Poultry, Finances, Pest & Disease Management, Silage making

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up. This week we’re in Kimuka, behind the majestic Ngong Hills. We are visiting the young, passionate farmer James Ndichu. James grows onions, greens and tomatoes and had a water pan, that he uses for irrigation. Has some Kienyeji chicken and cows that need some help. We learn about: 1. Taking care of your chicken. 2. How to reduce climate risk by making Silage. 3. How to safely control pests & diseases. 4. Managing your finances.