Dairy Nutrition
Know Zone

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 1(UG): Dairy, Soil test, Banana, Crop Rotation and Vegetables

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kirangira Village, Mukono central and we’re meeting with farmer  Dorothy Nakalembe.

Dorothy’s a very experienced lady who’s been farming since 1980. She has a 3-acre farm where she grows bananas, maize and vegetables .She also has cows but she needs expert advice on them and of course for her vegetables.

This is one farmer who knows what she wants!

In this farm we are learning about:

            1. Dairy breeding, nutrition and hygiene

            2. What to plant after Clearing Banana                  plantation

            3. Soil testing on banana plantation

            4.  Vegetables transplanting and good farming practices

More on Dairy Nutrition
Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 1(UG): Dairy, Soil test, Banana, Crop Rotation and Vegetables

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kirangira Village, Mukono central and we’re meeting with farmer  Dorothy Nakalembe.

Dorothy’s a very experienced lady who’s been farming since 1980. She has a 3-acre farm where she grows bananas, maize and vegetables .She also has cows but she needs expert advice on them and of course for her vegetables.

This is one farmer who knows what she wants!

In this farm we are learning about:

            1. Dairy breeding, nutrition and hygiene

            2. What to plant after Clearing Banana                  plantation

            3. Soil testing on banana plantation

            4.  Vegetables transplanting and good farming practices

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 4(UG): Coffee, Soil testing, Cow nutrition and Bananas

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Lutego village, in Mukono and we’re here to meet with a very hard-working farmer, Daoudi Lugasa and his wife Nanfuka. 

Yes but, Nanfuka does have a shop, which got me all confused! In fact, Daoudi is the proud owner of 6 acres of land, where he grows mainly coffee and bananas, and maize and avocados he’s got cows and chicken.

Yes, but half of his land is allocated to coffee!

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. Coffee: Good farming practices and pests and diseases control

     2. Soil testing

     3. Cow nutrition

     4. Bananas good farming practices