# Sorghum
Know Zone

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 1: Sorghum, Certified seeds, Chicken, OFSP and Dairy feeding

We visit Gideon & Alice in Nakuru to shape up their shamba for the new series! We look at their cows (feeding), OFSP (planting & storage), chickens (housing, vaccine & supplements) & sorghum.

More on # Sorghum
Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 12: Trees, Push & Pull, Hay, Making Compost, Chillies & Sorghum

SSU Special looks at the problems caused by climate change. We look at a weather research centre, planting trees, making a compost heap, zero grazing pens, water harvesting & push-pull.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 13: Farm Revisits

In this episode finale, SSU revisits farms to see how the farmers are getting on.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 7: Certified Seeds, Sorghum, Beans & Livestock, Solar power

In this episode we meet Peter & Virginia in Nakuru to help shape up their shamba. We look at animal care, certified seeds, planting sorghum, rainwater harvesting and solar lighting.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 8: Cow management, feeds, Intercropping, Vegetables & Finance

We learn more about vegetable growing, taking care of animals, inter-cropping beans and sorghum and livestock loans; all on Mary's farm in Nakuru.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 10: Climate Change

We look at drought resistant crops, water distribution, planting trees, Napier grass, solar lights, rainwater harvesting and energy saving jikos as we learn how to combat climate change.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 1: Sorghum, Certified seeds, Chicken, OFSP and Dairy feeding

We visit Gideon & Alice in Nakuru to shape up their shamba for the new series! We look at their cows (feeding), OFSP (planting & storage), chickens (housing, vaccine & supplements) & sorghum.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 11: East Coast Fever, Planting Trees and Sorghum

We are in Machakos with Cecilia and Philip who are in need of some help with their cows, who need an ECF vaccine, about how to make a farming plan, growing sorghum, planting trees & rain harvesting.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - hamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 21: Chickens, Seed Selection, Animal Health and Sorghum

We visit Lydia from Kitui who is having problems with her chickens feeding & housing, as well as other animals in her shamba, we learn about seed selection, growing sorghum & solar lights.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 24: ECF, Dairy Supplements & Feed, Chicken and Sorghum

We meet Kaburu from Giaki who is keen to learn more about animals! We learn more about ECF in cows, supplements for animals, keeping chickens healthy & growing sorghum to sell to breweries.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 13: Fodder, Chicken vaccination, Soil test, Resistant crops

We visit Pamela And Joseph in Homa Bay county. Learn about growing fodder crops and their advantages, vaccinating chicken, soil testing and drought resistant crops. 

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 13: Ducks, Cassava, Sorghum and Value Addition

We are in Busia at Praxedece Magero's shamba. We have a look at her ducks, show her how to properly dry and store cassava and show her  how to improve her soil health. We also teach her about the benefits of sorghum and how to cook delicious and healthy sorghum chapatis.