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Shamba Shape Up Season 10

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 25: Harvest&Post-Harvest losses, Dairycow management, EPC - Recap

Welcome to a special edition of Shamba shape up, where we are going to visit some of the shamba we have shaped up over the last few months & remind ourselves some of the things we learned, especially during this time we are getting ready to harvest.

More Episodes

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 1: Climate Change

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 2: GreenHouse, Soil, Intercropping and Cookstove

hamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 3: Avocados, Conservation Agriculture, Dairy Cows

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 4: OFSP, Fall Armyworm, Conservation Agriculture

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 5: OFSP, FAll Armyworm , Weeds Control & Safe Use of Herbicides

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 6: Trees, Dairy Cows, Pressure Cooker and Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 7: Quality meat, OFSP Product, Conservation Agriculture

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 8: Cold Chain, Avocados, Electric Pressure cooker

Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 9: OFSP, Dairy Cows, Trees and Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 10: Conservation Agriculture, Avocado, Dairy Cows, FallArmy

Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 11: OFSP, Cookstove, Cow management, Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 12: Trees, Pigeon peas, Top-dressing, conservation Agriculture

Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 13: Top-Dressing, Certified Seeds, Dairy Management and EPC

Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 14: Orange Fleshed sweet potato, Electric Pressure cooker

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 15: Climate Change, Soil test, Tomato, Rain harvesting

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 16: OFSP, Insurance, Post-Harvest and Dairy Cows

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 17: Potatoes, Kitchen Garden, Flying Garden & Desert Locust

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 18: Cow Management, Avocado, Electric Pressure Cooker

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 18: Cow Management, Avocado, Electric Pressure Cooker

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 19: Meat Processing, Avocado, Conservation Agriculture & EPC

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 20: harvest & Post-Harvest losses, Maize, M-kopa & EPC

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 21: Trees, Dairy Cows, Post-Harvest, OFSP

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 22: Conservation Agriculture, M-Kopa, Post-Harvest, EPC

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 23: Potatoes,OFSP, Record Keeping ,Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 24: Post-Harvest losses, Beef Cattle production, EPC

Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 25: Harvest&Post-Harvest losses, Dairycow management, EPC - Recap